
To have a daily renewed mind in Christ is so vital to the journey, the faith walk with Christ that we enter into. I believe that having daily reminders of our truth as Gods children is so important to help us as we grow in Him and grow in our faith. The 1Eleven brand is founded on the premise of promise. God has promised each and every single one of us a planned out life of goodness and fulness, all we need to do is be intentional about building in our faith through our relationship with Him. To seek God about our on individual identity and truth in Him is to ask God to uncover that identity to us during that process is when the Lord begins to also uncover the promises and the plan that He has for the life of fullness He has promised. Our faith in God and His promises over our lives our very belief in the existence of those promises is literally what gives us vision to see them, which is why Hebrews 1:11 is the scripture that the brand-name was founded upon. A life full of purpose and promise is our portion so, when Abba gave me the idea to build 1Eleven the main goal was to give people something tangible and visible that they could be empowered by. When looking at themselves in the mirror wearing a piece or walking on the street people can see an encouraging reminder to stay faithful and stay and even get planted in God, because what He promised will surely come to pass, and we will always have the promise of His word to hold on to.